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Achieve Top Fitness with British Military: The Ultimate Workout Solution

British Military Fitness is a unique and intense fitness training program that takes inspiration from military-style workouts. It aims to provide participants with a challenging and effective exercise experience while fostering teamwork and camaraderie.

The history of British Military Fitness dates back to 1999 when it was founded by Major Robin Cope and Serjeant Harry Sowerby. It started with a single park in London and has since expanded to various locations across the United Kingdom, offering outdoor fitness classes led by qualified British Army or Royal Air Force personnel.

The training principles of British Military Fitness are centered around functional fitness, focusing on movements that mimic real-life activities, and emphasizing teamwork and camaraderie. These principles ensure that participants not only improve their physical fitness but also develop mental strength and resilience.

The benefits of British Military Fitness are multifaceted. Firstly, it improves physical fitness through a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and high-intensity interval training. Secondly, it enhances mental strength and resilience by pushing participants out of their comfort zones and encouraging mental toughness. it aids in weight loss and improving body composition through calorie-burning workouts. Lastly, it provides a strong sense of social support and community, as participants train together and motivate each other to achieve their fitness goals.

British Military Fitness offers a variety of workouts to cater to different fitness levels and goals. These include outdoor circuit training, which incorporates a range of exercises targeting different muscle groups, and running and endurance training to improve cardiovascular fitness and stamina.

People of all fitness levels and abilities can participate in British Military Fitness. The workouts can be modified to accommodate individual needs, and participants are encouraged to push themselves at their own pace. However, there may be age restrictions in certain classes to ensure the safety and suitability of the workouts.

If you’re interested in getting started with British Military Fitness, you can find a class near you and sign up on their website. It’s a great way to challenge yourself physically and mentally, while also experiencing the camaraderie and teamwork that comes with training in a military-inspired setting.

Key takeaway:

  • British Military Fitness maximizes physical fitness: Participating in British Military Fitness improves physical fitness by incorporating functional fitness exercises that enhance overall strength, endurance, and agility.
  • British Military Fitness promotes mental strength and resilience: The training principles of British Military Fitness focus on developing mental toughness, enabling participants to face challenges, overcome obstacles, and build resilience.
  • British Military Fitness fosters a supportive community: Engaging in British Military Fitness workouts provides social support and community, allowing participants to develop camaraderie with like-minded individuals striving for fitness goals.

What is British Military Fitness?

British Military Fitness (BMF) is a popular outdoor fitness program that aims to provide individuals with a challenging and motivating workout experience inspired by military training techniques. It was established in 1999 and has since grown to become one of the leading outdoor fitness providers in the United Kingdom.

Key features of British Military Fitness include:

  • Group Training: BMF sessions are conducted in a group setting, fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. Participants motivate and support each other throughout the workouts.
  • Military-Inspired Workouts: The training sessions are designed to simulate the physical demands of military training. They incorporate a variety of exercises, including running, circuits, bodyweight exercises, and team challenges.
  • Qualified Instructors: BMF sessions are led by qualified instructors who have a background in the military or fitness industry. They provide guidance, motivation, and ensure that participants are performing exercises safely and effectively.
  • Outdoor Locations: BMF workouts take place in outdoor environments such as parks, woodlands, and urban spaces. This allows participants to benefit from fresh air, varied terrain, and the natural elements.
  • Progressive Training Programs: BMF offers different levels of fitness classes, catering to individuals of all fitness levels. The programs are designed to progressively challenge participants and help them achieve their fitness goals.
  • Health and Fitness Benefits: Participating in British Military Fitness can lead to various health and fitness benefits, including improved cardiovascular endurance, strength, agility, and overall fitness levels.
  • Community and Social Engagement: BMF creates a sense of community and social engagement among its participants. Many individuals find enjoyment and motivation in working out with like-minded people and building connections.

British Military Fitness provides a unique and dynamic approach to fitness training, appealing to individuals who are looking for a challenging and structured workout experience in an outdoor setting.

History of British Military Fitness

The history of British Military Fitness can be traced back to its founding in 1999 by Major Robin Cope, a British Army officer. The organization was initially established as an outdoor fitness company targeted at civilians, aiming to replicate the training methods and discipline of the British military.

Maj. Cope recognized the benefits of military-style training in terms of physical fitness, camaraderie, and motivation. He sought to create a fitness program that would challenge individuals, promote teamwork, and provide a unique training experience.

British Military Fitness (BMF) started with a single class in Hyde Park, London, and quickly gained popularity. The outdoor group fitness sessions, led by ex-military instructors, appealed to people of all fitness levels who sought a challenging and varied workout.

As the demand for BMF grew, the company expanded its operations across the United Kingdom. It established numerous classes in parks, open spaces, and woodland areas, making outdoor fitness accessible and enjoyable for a wide range of participants.

Over the years, BMF has evolved and diversified its offerings. It introduced different types of classes, including running clubs, triathlon training, and specialized programs for children and teenagers. The organization also expanded its reach by offering corporate fitness programs and personal training services.

Today, British Military Fitness continues to thrive as a leading outdoor fitness provider in the UK. It remains committed to its founding principles of delivering effective and enjoyable workouts inspired by military training methods. With a strong emphasis on teamwork, discipline, and physical fitness, BMF has helped countless individuals achieve their fitness goals and experience the benefits of outdoor exercise.

Training Principles of British Military Fitness

In British Military Fitness, training principles are crucial for success. This section explores the main factors that drive elite military training. It discusses the importance of functional fitness and how it improves performance. It also highlights the value of teamwork in developing physical and mental resilience. Get ready to delve into the core training principles that make British Military Fitness stand out.

Training Principles of British Military Fitness

In British Military Fitness, training principles are crucial for success. This section explores the main factors that drive elite military training. It discusses the importance of functional fitness and how it improves performance. It also highlights the value of teamwork in developing physical and mental resilience. Get ready to delve into the core training principles that make British Military Fitness stand out.

Functional Fitness

Functional fitness is a crucial aspect of British Military Fitness, focusing on exercises that enhance daily movements and overall physical abilities. Here are some key aspects of functional fitness:

  1. Variety of movements: Functional fitness includes a wide range of movements that simulate everyday activities, such as squatting, bending, lifting, pushing, and pulling.
  2. Core strength: Core muscles are targeted in functional fitness workouts to improve stability, posture, and balance.
  3. Full body engagement: Functional exercises engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, resulting in a more efficient and effective workout.
  4. Real-life applications: Functional fitness improves your ability to perform daily tasks, such as carrying groceries, lifting objects, or climbing stairs, with ease.
  5. Injury prevention: By incorporating functional movements into your fitness routine, you can strengthen muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injuries.

Fact: Functional fitness has gained popularity among athletes and fitness enthusiasts due to its practical and functional approach to improving strength, flexibility, and overall physical performance.

Teamwork and Camaraderie

Teamwork and camaraderie are important principles in British Military Fitness that enhance both physical and mental strength. In British Military Fitness, participants engage in various group activities that require teamwork, fostering a sense of camaraderie. This includes partner exercises, group challenges, and team-based workouts where individuals learn to support and motivate each other.

  • Working together: In British Military Fitness, participants engage in various group activities that require teamwork. This includes partner exercises, group challenges, and team-based workouts. By working together, individuals learn to support and motivate each other, fostering a sense of camaraderie.
  • Mutual support: Participants in British Military Fitness classes encourage and uplift each other during workouts, creating a positive and motivating environment where individuals push themselves to achieve their fitness goals and enhance their sense of teamwork and camaraderie.
  • Building connections: Through regular participation in British Military Fitness, individuals have the opportunity to connect with like-minded people who share a passion for fitness and self-improvement. These connections help establish lasting friendships and a sense of belonging within the fitness community, promoting teamwork and camaraderie.
  • Shared experiences: Participating in the challenging workouts and overcoming obstacles as a team creates shared experiences that strengthen the bond between participants. These shared experiences foster a sense of unity and camaraderie, emphasizing the importance of teamwork.

Historically, teamwork and camaraderie have played a crucial role in military training and operations. Soldiers rely on each other for support, trust, and teamwork to accomplish missions effectively. Similarly, British Military Fitness draws inspiration from this military ethos and incorporates it into its training principles to create a supportive and encouraging environment for participants, emphasizing the value of teamwork and camaraderie.

Benefits of British Military Fitness

British Military Fitness offers a range of incredible benefits for both the body and mind. This transformative program provides enhanced physical fitness, mental strength, weight loss, and a supportive community. Each aspect of British Military Fitness has something unique to offer, allowing you to achieve your fitness goals, develop resilience, and foster a sense of belonging. Join us as we explore the numerous advantages of British Military Fitness and unlock your full potential.

Translated text:

British Military Fitness offers a variety of amazing benefits for the body and mind. This program, which transforms you, provides improved physical fitness, mental strength, weight loss, and a supportive community. Each aspect of British Military Fitness offers something unique, enabling you to accomplish your fitness goals, develop resilience, and cultivate a sense of belonging. Join us as we discover the numerous advantages of British Military Fitness and unleash your full potential.

Improved Physical Fitness

  • Regular exercise through British Military Fitness can significantly improve physical fitness and contribute to improved overall well-being and boost self-confidence.
  • It helps to increase cardiovascular endurance and stamina, allowing individuals to engage in activities for longer periods of time, leading to improved physical fitness.
  • Strength training exercises in British Military Fitness help to build lean muscle mass, increasing overall strength and power for improved physical fitness.
  • This type of training also improves flexibility and mobility, enhancing range of motion and reducing the risk of injuries, contributing to improved physical fitness.
  • Participating in British Military Fitness can help to improve body composition by reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass, resulting in improved physical fitness.
  • It boosts metabolism, allowing individuals to burn calories more efficiently even at rest, leading to improved physical fitness.
  • Engaging in regular high-intensity workouts helps to improve speed, agility, and coordination, contributing to improved physical fitness.
  • To improve physical fitness with British Military Fitness, it is recommended to attend classes regularly and consistently challenge oneself during the workouts.

To improve physical fitness with British Military Fitness, it is important to stay properly hydrated and fuel the body with a balanced diet to support energy levels and recovery. Incorporating strength training exercises, cardiovascular exercises, and flexibility training can help individuals achieve a well-rounded improvement in physical fitness. Remember to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any underlying health concerns. Stay motivated and committed to your fitness journey to reap the benefits of improved physical fitness.

Mental Strength and Resilience

Mental strength and resilience are integral components of the training program in British Military Fitness. The rigorous workouts and physically demanding obstacles are specifically designed to challenge participants both mentally and physically. By regularly participating in intense exercise and conquering obstacles, individuals can develop mental toughness and resilience that can be applied to various aspects of life.

The high-intensity workouts in British Military Fitness require participants to overcome mental barriers and dig deep within themselves. This not only enhances physical fitness but also cultivates mental strength. The demanding nature of these workouts assists individuals in building mental resilience, teaching them to persevere even when faced with difficulties. This mental fortitude can positively impact different areas of life, enabling individuals to effectively manage stress and overcome obstacles.

Training in a group setting further augments mental strength and resilience. The sense of camaraderie and teamwork fostered in this environment creates a supportive atmosphere that bolsters motivation and determination. Working together towards communal objectives and offering support during challenging workouts helps individuals build mental resilience and develop a robust mindset.

To enhance mental strength and resilience, it is crucial to approach each workout with a positive mindset and embrace the challenges that come with it. Use these workouts as opportunities to push your limits and surpass what you previously believed was possible. Gradually, you will develop mental strength and resilience that will prove beneficial in all areas of life.

Weight Loss and Body Composition

  • Weight loss and body composition are significant outcomes of participating in British Military Fitness (BMF) workouts. These workouts are designed to help individuals shed excess weight and improve their overall body composition.
  • When individuals engage in the high-intensity circuit training sessions offered by BMF, they can expect to experience positive changes in their weight loss and body composition. This type of workout effectively targets excess fat and helps individuals achieve a leaner physique.
  • A study published in the Journal of Obesity discovered that individuals who regularly participated in military-style workouts, similar to those offered by BMF, experienced noticeable reductions in their body fat percentage. This highlights the effectiveness of BMF in promoting weight loss and improving body composition.
  • To achieve optimal weight loss and improve body composition, BMF workouts incorporate a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and functional movements. This comprehensive approach leads to increased calorie burn and fat loss, helping individuals achieve their weight loss goals.
  • Regular participation in BMF workouts offers additional benefits in terms of body composition, as it helps individuals build lean muscle mass. Building lean muscle not only enhances the body’s overall composition but also boosts metabolism, further aiding in weight loss.
  • Aside from the physical aspects, BMF workouts also emphasize group dynamics and camaraderie. The supportive and motivating environment within BMF classes is crucial in helping individuals stay committed to their weight loss and body composition goals.
  • It’s essential to acknowledge that weight loss and improvements in body composition are influenced by various factors, including an individual’s effort, consistency, and overall lifestyle habits. By maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle, individuals can maximize the benefits derived from BMF workouts.
  • For individuals looking to optimize their weight loss and body composition results, it is highly recommended to combine BMF workouts with a balanced diet. Making healthy food choices goes hand in hand with regular exercise when it comes to achieving desired body composition goals.
  • It is prudent to seek guidance from a healthcare professional or certified fitness instructor when embarking on a weight loss and body composition journey through BMF workouts. These experts can provide personalized advice and strategies to help individuals effectively reach their specific goals.

Social Support and Community

Social support and community are of utmost importance to British Military Fitness. The program places great emphasis on fostering camaraderie and teamwork among participants, all sharing the common goal of improving their physical fitness. By engaging in group workouts, individuals have the opportunity to not only interact and collaborate but also to motivate one another towards reaching their full potential. This ultimately enhances both their overall well-being and fitness proficiency.

The sense of community within British Military Fitness goes beyond the workout sessions. The program actively organizes various social events and gatherings, all designed to cultivate a sense of belonging and unity among its members. These events serve as valuable opportunities for individuals to connect with one another and establish long-lasting friendships.

The supportive environment provided by British Military Fitness proves particularly advantageous for those seeking additional motivation and encouragement. Extensive research has demonstrated that social support is strongly linked to better adherence to exercise programs and overall well-being. British Military Fitness fully acknowledges this vital aspect of support and ensures that all individuals have the necessary encouragement to achieve their fitness goals.

British Military Fitness consistently highlights the significance of social support and community. By actively promoting teamwork and camaraderie, the program creates an environment where individuals can flourish both physically and socially. It presents a unique platform for people to connect, support one another, and collaborate towards the attainment of their fitness objectives.

Types of Workouts in British Military Fitness

Get ready to push your limits and achieve peak fitness levels with British Military Fitness. This section introduces the various workouts offered by British Military Fitness. From outdoor circuit training designed to challenge every muscle group to intense running and endurance training that will push your limits, each sub-section brings its own unique benefits and adrenaline-inducing challenges. So, gear up and discover the workouts that will transform you into a stronger, fitter version of yourself.

Outdoor Circuit Training

Outdoor Circuit Training

  • Outdoor circuit training is a fundamental aspect of British Military Fitness.
  • It consists of a series of exercise stations that are set up in an outdoor environment.
  • Participants transition from one station to another, engaging in a variety of exercises at each station.
  • The exercises in outdoor circuit training target different muscle groups and aspects of fitness, including strength, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness.
  • Examples of exercises that can be included in outdoor circuit training are push-ups, squats, lunges, burpees, jumping jacks, and mountain climbers.
  • Outdoor circuit training sessions are usually structured in a time-based format, where participants perform each exercise for a set period of time or specific number of repetitions before moving on to the next station.
  • This type of training is highly effective in improving overall fitness levels, burning calories, and increasing muscular strength and endurance.
  • Outdoor circuit training also offers the benefits of fresh air and the natural surroundings, which can enhance the overall experience and motivation.
  • This form of training can be adapted to suit varying fitness levels and abilities, with modifications or progressions available for different exercises.

Running and Endurance Training

Running and endurance training are critical components of the British Military Fitness (BMF) workouts. These workouts aim to enhance cardiovascular fitness and develop endurance levels.

During the BMF sessions focused on Running and endurance training, participants engage in various forms of cardiovascular exercise, including jogging, sprinting, and long-distance running. These sessions typically take place outdoors, allowing participants to experience the challenges and benefits of training in diverse weather conditions and terrains.

The Running and endurance training offered in BMF sessions provide several benefits. Firstly, they improve cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart and enhancing lung capacity. Regular running can help reduce the risk of heart disease and improve overall fitness levels. Secondly, these training sessions cultivate mental resilience and determination as participants push themselves further to enhance their endurance. Achieving new goals boosts confidence and mental well-being.

To achieve optimal results, participants in BMF are recommended to engage in Running and endurance training at least 2-3 times per week. It is important to start with shorter distances and gradually increase the intensity and duration of the workouts to avoid overexertion and reduce the risk of injury.

To make the most of Running and endurance training in BMF, it is crucial to wear appropriate running shoes, maintain proper hydration, and listen to your body. If you have any existing health conditions or concerns, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise program.

Incorporating Running and endurance training into your fitness routine can significantly improve your stamina and overall fitness levels. So, lace up your running shoes and challenge yourself to go the extra mile with BMF’s running and endurance training sessions.

Who Can Participate in British Military Fitness?

Looking to join the British Military Fitness program? Wondering if it’s suitable for you? Let’s discuss who can take part in British Military Fitness, regardless of their fitness levels and abilities, as well as any age restrictions and modifications. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting your journey, there’s a place for everyone in this dynamic program. Prepare to test your limits, challenge yourself, and uncover the amazing advantages of British Military Fitness.
Looking to join the British Military Fitness programme? Wondering if it’s suitable for you? Let’s discuss who can take part in British Military Fitness, regardless of their fitness levels and abilities, as well as any age restrictions and modifications. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting your journey, there’s a place for everyone in this dynamic programme. Prepare to test your limits, challenge yourself, and uncover the amazing advantages of British Military Fitness.

All Fitness Levels and Abilities

British Military Fitness (BMF) is a fitness programme designed to cater to individuals of all fitness levels and abilities. Here are some key things to know about BMF:

Customised workouts: BMF offers workouts that can be tailored to suit individuals with different fitness levels and abilities. Whether you are a beginner or have been exercising for years, there will be exercises and modifications available to ensure that individuals with all fitness levels and abilities can participate.

Progression options: BMF understands that people have varying goals and starting points. They provide progression options to help individuals gradually increase their fitness levels and abilities over time. This ensures that participants are constantly challenged and making progress, regardless of their fitness level or abilities.

Individual attention: Trained instructors are present during BMF sessions to provide guidance and support to participants. They can offer modifications to exercises, assist with proper technique, and provide motivation throughout the workout. This personalized attention ensures that individuals of all fitness levels and abilities receive the necessary support to succeed.

Inclusive environment: BMF fosters a supportive and inclusive environment where individuals of all fitness levels and abilities can feel comfortable. Participants are encouraged to work at their own pace, and there is a strong emphasis on teamwork and camaraderie. This welcoming atmosphere ensures that everyone can fully participate and enjoy their fitness journey.

Diverse exercises: BMF incorporates a wide variety of exercises and training methods into their workouts. This includes functional fitness exercises, outdoor circuit training, running, endurance training, and more. This diversity keeps workouts interesting and allows individuals to work on different aspects of their fitness, regardless of their current fitness level or abilities.

With BMF, individuals can feel confident that they will be able to find a workout that suits their unique fitness level and abilities. Whether you are a beginner starting your fitness journey or an advanced exerciser looking for a new challenge, BMF provides a welcoming and challenging environment to help you achieve your fitness goals.

In true history, British Military Fitness was founded in 1999 by Major Robin Cope and Major Edward Stanhope. They envisioned bringing the training principles and physical fitness of the British military to the general public. The programme quickly gained popularity and expanded, offering outdoor fitness classes across the United Kingdom. Today, British Military Fitness continues to provide challenging and effective workouts for individuals of all fitness levels and abilities.

Age Restrictions and Modifications

Age Group



Children (6-12 years old)

Must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during workouts

Workouts are modified to be age-appropriate, focusing on strengthening and coordination exercises

Teens (13-17 years old)

No specific restrictions, but parental consent may be required

Workouts may be slightly modified to match their fitness level and overall capabilities

Adults (18+)

No age restrictions


Elderly (65+)

No age restrictions

Workouts may be adjusted to accommodate mobility issues or specific health conditions

In British Military Fitness, there are Age Restrictions and Modifications to consider. Children between 6 and 12 years old can participate but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during workouts for safety. Workouts for this age group are modified to be age-appropriate, focusing on strengthening and coordination exercises.

Teens between 13 and 17 years old can participate in British Military Fitness with no specific Restrictions, although parental consent may be required. Their workouts may be slightly modified to match their fitness level and overall capabilities.

There are no age Restrictions for adults participating in British Military Fitness. They can engage in the workouts without any Modifications.

For elderly participants aged 65 and above, there are no age Restrictions. Workouts may be adjusted to accommodate any mobility issues or specific health conditions they may have. This ensures they can still participate and benefit from British Military Fitness while keeping their safety in mind.

Considering these Age Restrictions and Modifications allows individuals of different age groups to participate in British Military Fitness and tailor their workouts according to their needs and capabilities.

How to Get Started with British Military Fitness?

To get started with British Military Fitness, follow these steps:

  1. Find a Location: Visit the British Military Fitness website and use their location finder to find a nearby park or training venue where sessions are held.
  2. Choose a Membership: Select a membership option that suits your needs. British Military Fitness offers various membership plans, including pay-as-you-go options and monthly subscriptions.
  3. Register Online: Complete the online registration process by providing the required personal information and selecting your desired membership plan.
  4. Book Your First Session: Once registered, book your first British Military Fitness session. Check the schedule for available dates and times at your chosen location.
  5. Prepare for the Session: Before your first session, make sure you have appropriate workout attire and footwear. Bring a water bottle, towel, and any necessary equipment mentioned in the session details.
  6. Arrive Early: Arrive at the training venue a few minutes before the scheduled start time. This allows you to check-in, meet the instructor, and get familiar with the surroundings.
  7. Warm-up and Join the Session: Participate in the warm-up exercises led by the instructor. Follow their instructions and join in the various fitness activities and challenges throughout the session.
  8. Push Yourself: Engage in the workouts with enthusiasm and push yourself to achieve your fitness goals. Remember that British Military Fitness is designed to challenge and improve your physical fitness.
  9. Listen to the Instructor: Pay attention to the instructor’s guidance, as they provide instructions on proper form, technique, and safety. Seek clarification if you have any questions or concerns.
  10. Enjoy the Camaraderie: Embrace the team spirit and camaraderie that British Military Fitness fosters. Support and encourage your fellow participants, and enjoy the shared experience of challenging workouts.
  11. Continue and Progress: After your first session, continue attending British Military Fitness sessions to maintain your fitness routine and see continued progress. Challenge yourself with more advanced workouts as you become fitter and stronger.

By following these steps, you can confidently get started with British Military Fitness and embark on a challenging and rewarding fitness journey.

Some Facts About British Military Fitness:

  • ✅ British Military Fitness (BMF) offers outdoor group fitness classes in 140 public parks and outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom.
  • ✅ BMF was founded in 1999 and was the first to introduce the concept of group classes for outdoor fitness in the UK.
  • ✅ BMF classes are mainly led by former or serving members of the British Armed Forces.
  • ✅ BMF experienced rapid growth in the mid-2000s and expanded to South Africa in 2008.
  • ✅ In 2018, BMF was rebranded as Be Military Fit after being acquired by NM Capital and Bear Grylls Ventures.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Be Military Fit (BMF) and when was it founded?

Be Military Fit (BMF) is Europe’s largest outdoor group fitness company. It was originally founded as British Military Fitness in 1999 and rebranded as Be Military Fit in September 2018.

What services does Be Military Fit offer?

Be Military Fit offers military-inspired training programs designed to elevate the performance of individuals and teams. They provide services to military and government organizations, educational institutions, enterprise businesses, and individual members of the public.

Who leads the fitness classes offered by Be Military Fit?

The fitness classes offered by Be Military Fit are mainly led by former or serving members of the British Armed Forces.

What organizations have benefitted from Be Military Fit’s services?

Be Military Fit has helped prestigious organizations such as the British Army, the NHS, and the England Football Association enhance the performance and wellness of their people.

Where are Be Military Fit’s outdoor group fitness classes held?

Be Military Fit offers outdoor group fitness classes in 140 public parks and outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom.

What are the language options available on Be Military Fit?

Be Military Fit offers language options for English, Turkish, Polish, Italian, Romanian, French, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese.

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