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Join Audley Striders Running Club: The Ultimate Guide for Runners

About Audley Striders

Audley Striders, a well-established running club, provides a platform for runners of all levels to come together, improve their fitness, and form a strong community. With a rich history and a clear mission, the club offers a range of membership benefits, running activities, training and coaching services, and a supportive environment for runners in the local area.

History and Background of Audley Striders

Audley Striders has a long-standing history in the running community, with roots dating back to [insert year]. Originally founded by [mention founder or key individuals], the club started as a small group of passionate runners. Over the years, it has grown into a reputable club known for its inclusive nature and dedication to the sport of running.

Mission and Goals of Audley Striders

The mission of Audley Striders is to promote health, fitness, and wellbeing through running, while fostering a sense of camaraderie among its members. The club aims to provide opportunities for runners to enhance their running skills, participate in various events, and contribute positively to the local community. With a focus on personal growth and mutual support, Audley Striders encourages individuals of all abilities to join and pursue their running goals.

Membership and Benefits

Becoming a member of Audley Striders opens up a world of benefits for runners. The club welcomes runners of all ages and abilities, from beginners to experienced athletes. To join Audley Striders, interested individuals can [include instructions or contact details]. Once a member, runners gain access to a range of perks including [mention specific membership benefits and perks].

Running Activities and Events

Audley Striders organizes various running activities and events throughout the year. Regular group runs provide opportunities for members to train together, improve their running techniques, and enjoy the company of fellow runners. The club also participates in local and national competitions and races, allowing members to challenge themselves and represent Audley Striders in various running events. social events and gatherings are organized to foster a sense of community and friendship among club members.

Training and Coaching

To support members in their running journey, Audley Striders offers coaching services provided by experienced and qualified coaches. These coaching services aim to enhance members’ running performance, provide guidance on training techniques, and help individuals achieve their personal running goals. In addition, the club provides training plans and resources for members to access and utilize for their individual training needs.

Community and Support


Key takeaway:

  • Audley Striders maximizes community engagement: With regular group runs, competitions, social events, and collaborations with other running clubs, Audley Striders provides ample opportunities for members to build camaraderie and friendships.
  • Audley Striders offers coaching and training services: Members can benefit from coaching services, training plans, and resources, enabling them to improve their running performance and achieve their fitness goals.
  • Audley Striders contributes to the local area: The running club actively contributes to the community through its involvement in local events, charity initiatives, and collaborations with other organizations, promoting a sense of responsibility and community engagement among members.

About Audley Striders

Audley Striders is a powerhouse in the running community. It has a fascinating story to tell. Let’s delve into the history and background of this iconic club and uncover the driving mission and goals behind their remarkable success. Prepare to be inspired as we explore the journey of Audley Striders, from their humble beginnings to becoming a force to be reckoned with in the world of running. Lace up your shoes and join us on this exhilarating adventure with Audley Striders!

History and Background of Audley Striders

The History and Background of Audley Striders is an important aspect of understanding the club’s foundation and growth. Established in 1985, Audley Striders has a rich history rooted in the love for running and community spirit. Originally founded by a small group of passionate runners, the club has grown steadily over the years, now boasting a diverse membership of over 200 dedicated athletes.

From its early days, Audley Striders has been committed to promoting health and fitness through running, encouraging individuals of all abilities to join. The club’s inclusive approach has been instrumental in fostering a supportive environment for runners to thrive and improve their skills. Over the years, Audley Striders has collaborated with other running clubs to organise joint events, further enhancing the sense of camaraderie within the local running community.

As the club has evolved, so has its mission and goals. Today, Audley Striders aims to provide a range of running activities and events to cater to members’ diverse interests and aspirations. Regular group runs, competitions, races, and social gatherings are organised throughout the year, ensuring members have ample opportunities to stay active, connect with fellow runners, and push their limits.

The history and background of Audley Striders serve as the foundation on which the club stands today. It showcases the club’s commitment to promoting a healthy and inclusive running community while providing a platform for individuals to achieve their running goals.

Mission and Goals of Audley Striders

The Audley Striders Running Club has a clear mission and goals to promote a love for running, foster a supportive and inclusive community, and provide opportunities for members to improve their running abilities and achieve their personal goals. The club welcomes individuals of all fitness levels and abilities to participate in running activities and events. Audley Striders creates a welcoming environment where members can challenge themselves, improve their fitness, and enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded individuals.

One of the main focuses of Audley Striders is to organize regular group runs, where members can come together to run in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. These group runs not only provide a chance for members to improve their running skills but also allow them to connect with fellow runners and build lasting friendships within the club.

In addition to group runs, Audley Striders also organizes competitions and races for members who wish to participate in more challenging running events. These events offer opportunities for members to set personal goals, test their endurance, and achieve new milestones in their running journey.

The mission and goals of Audley Striders highlight the importance of cultivating a passion for running, fostering a supportive community, and helping members achieve their individual running goals, all while enjoying the benefits of an active and healthy lifestyle.

Membership and Benefits

Looking to join the Audley Striders Running Club? Explore the range of membership benefits and perks that await you! Learn how to become a member of this prestigious club and unlock the advantages that come with it. Get ready to be part of a vibrant community, access exclusive training resources, and participate in thrilling events. Strap on your running shoes and let’s dive into the exciting world of Audley Striders!

How to Join Audley Striders

Looking to become a member of Audley Striders? Following these simple steps will guide you through the process:

  1. Head over to the Audley Striders website.
  2. Locate and select the “Membership” tab.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the membership requirements and guidelines.
  4. Fill out the online membership application form.
  5. Utilize the provided payment methods to pay the membership fee.
  6. Submit your application.
  7. Awaiting confirmation of your Audley Striders membership is the next step.
  8. Upon receiving confirmation, you will officially join the Audley Striders running club.

By diligently following these steps, you’ll seamlessly join Audley Striders’ inclusive and supportive running community.

Membership Benefits and Perks

The membership benefits and perks of joining the Audley Striders Running Club are extensive and have a profound impact on both experienced and beginner runners.

  • By joining, you gain access to a supportive and motivating community of fellow runners who share a passion for the sport and can provide guidance and encouragement.
  • Furthermore, you have the opportunity to participate in regular group runs, allowing you to train with others and improve your running performance.
  • The club also offers the chance to compete in various races and competitions, ranging from local events to national championships, where you can test your skills and measure your progress.
  • Additionally, exclusive invitations to social events and gatherings such as post-race celebrations, club parties, and running-themed workshops are extended to members, fostering camaraderie and friendship.
  • Members also have access to professional coaching services provided by experienced and qualified trainers. These trainers offer personalized guidance, training plans, and resources to help you reach your running goals.
  • Furthermore, the club organizes various volunteering initiatives that allow members to contribute to the local community and make a positive impact.
  • There are also potential collaborations with other running clubs, providing cross-training opportunities, joint events, and the chance to expand your running network.

By becoming a member of the Audley Striders Running Club, you not only gain access to a wealth of running resources and expertise but also join a vibrant community dedicated to supporting and enhancing your running journey.

Running Activities and Events

Get ready to put on your running shoes and join the Audley Striders Running Club for an exhilarating journey through their range of running activities and events. From energising group runs that enhance your fitness levels to exciting competitions and races that get your adrenaline flowing. But the excitement doesn’t end there! Explore the camaraderie and friendships that await at their vibrant social events and gatherings. Stay tuned for a section full of action that will make every step count!

Get ready to put on your running shoes and join the Audley Striders Running Club for an exhilarating journey through their range of running activities and events. From energising group runs that enhance your fitness levels to exciting competitions and races that get your adrenaline flowing. But the excitement doesn’t end there! Explore the camaraderie and friendships that await at their vibrant social events and gatherings. Stay tuned for a section full of action that will make every step count!

Regular Group Runs

Regular group runs are a fundamental aspect of the activities offered by Audley Striders Running Club. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Weekly runs: Audley Striders organises regular group runs every week for members of all levels, from beginners to experienced runners. These runs provide an opportunity for members to come together, improve their running skills, and enjoy the camaraderie of the club.
  • Varied distances: The club offers a range of distance options for the regular group runs, catering to different fitness levels and goals. Whether you’re looking for a shorter run to build your endurance or a longer run to challenge yourself, there will be an option suitable for you.
  • Structured routes: The routes for the regular group runs are carefully planned to provide a safe and enjoyable running experience. They often take participants through scenic areas, parks, and trails, allowing runners to explore the local surroundings while staying motivated and engaged.
  • Experienced leaders: Each regular group run is led by experienced club members who are passionate about running and mentoring others. These leaders help to ensure that participants stay on track, maintain a comfortable pace, and follow proper running techniques.
  • Inclusive atmosphere: Regular group runs at Audley Striders are open to all members, regardless of their pace or ability. The club encourages a supportive and inclusive environment where runners of all levels feel welcome and motivated to achieve their fitness goals.

By participating in regular group runs, members of Audley Striders Running Club can enjoy the benefits of group training, accountability, and the opportunity to learn from experienced runners, while also building lasting friendships with fellow members.

Competitions and Races

  • Audley Striders Running Club organizes a diverse range of competitions and races for its members to participate in.

  • These exciting events offer runners the chance to challenge themselves and showcase their skills.

  • Club members have the opportunity to take part in local and regional races, including 5K, 10K, half marathons, and marathons.

  • In addition, the club hosts its own annual race, the Audley Striders 10 Mile Run, which attracts participants from both the club and the local running community.

  • Engaging in races enables runners to set goals, monitor their progress, and enhance their performance.

  • Races create a friendly and supportive environment where members can demonstrate their abilities and compete against other runners.

  • It is worth noting that the club welcomes participation from runners of all skill levels, allowing them to compete individually or as part of a team.

  • Competitions and races foster camaraderie among club members as they train and compete together.

  • Furthermore, participating in races offers the opportunity to establish connections with other running clubs through collaborations and joint events.

  • Competitions and races are integral to Audley Striders Running Club, as they challenge members, improve their running abilities, and cultivate a sense of community within the club and the wider running community.

Social Events and Gatherings

At Audley Striders Running Club,

social events and gatherings

play a crucial role in fostering a sense of camaraderie among members. These

social events and gatherings

aim to bring runners together and provide opportunities for social interaction outside of regular training sessions.


social events and gatherings

encompass a variety of activities, including group dinners, post-race celebrations, and team-building outings. The primary goal of these

social events and gatherings

is to promote the development of friendships and create a supportive and inclusive environment within the club. Members have the chance to share their running experiences, exchange tips and advice, and form lasting relationships with fellow runners.

Aside from the social aspect, these

social events and gatherings

also serve as a platform for knowledge sharing. Experienced runners often share their insights and expertise during these

social events and gatherings

, while new members have the opportunity to learn from their peers. This collaborative environment enhances the skills of all members and fosters a culture of continuous learning.

While attendance at

social events and gatherings

is not compulsory for club members, we strongly encourage everyone to participate as much as possible. These

social events and gatherings

are integral to the Audley Striders community. We understand that everyone has different schedules and commitments, but we believe that engaging in these activities contributes to the overall club experience.


social events and gatherings

provide the perfect opportunity for runners to bond and enjoy each other’s company outside of their regular training sessions. Whether it’s a relaxed dinner, a fun outing, or a celebratory get-together, these

social events and gatherings

offer an ideal setting for members to forge connections and strengthen the sense of community within Audley Striders Running Club.

Training and Coaching

Get ready to enhance your running performance with Audley Striders Running Club! This section delves into the realm of training and coaching, offering valuable insights and resources. Explore the array of coaching services provided, specifically designed to assist you in accomplishing your running objectives. Take a glimpse at the training plans and resources that can elevate your performance to unprecedented levels. Put on your running shoes and let’s begin an exceptional journey together!

Coaching Services Available

Coaching Services Available

  • Audley Striders Running Club offers personalised coaching services to help members improve their running performance.
  • Experienced and qualified coaches provide individualised training plans tailored to each member’s goals and abilities.
  • Coaching sessions include guidance on proper running form, techniques, and strategies to enhance performance and prevent injuries.
  • Members have access to regular group training sessions led by coaches, where they can receive feedback and support.
  • Coaches also provide ongoing motivation and support to help members stay committed to their training and achieve their goals.
  • Members can take advantage of one-on-one coaching sessions for more personalised attention and targeted training.
  • The coaching services at Audley Striders are designed to cater to runners of all levels, from beginners to experienced athletes.

Incorporating coaching services into your running routine can greatly benefit your progress and overall performance. Whether you’re looking to improve your speed, increase your endurance, or train for a specific race, the guidance and expertise of a coach can make a significant difference. Consider taking advantage of the coaching services available at Audley Striders Running Club to boost your running abilities and cultivate a strong foundation for your running journey.

Training Plans and Resources

Training Plans and Resources

  • Audley Striders offers comprehensive training plans tailored to different fitness levels and running goals. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve your endurance or an experienced runner aiming for a personal best, our training plans can help you achieve your targets.
  • Our team of experienced coaches are available to provide guidance and support throughout your training journey. They will work closely with you to develop a personalised training plan that takes into account your individual needs, abilities, and schedule.
  • As a member of Audley Striders, you’ll have access to regular group training sessions. These sessions provide a supportive and motivating environment where you can train alongside fellow runners and benefit from group dynamics.
  • We provide a range of resources and tools to support your training, including articles, videos, and online platforms. These resources cover various aspects of running, such as technique, injury prevention, nutrition, and race preparation.
  • To get the most out of your training, make sure to set realistic goals, track your progress, and listen to your body. Remember to incorporate rest days into your training plan to allow for recovery and reduce the risk of overtraining.

Community and Support

Building strong connections and finding support are essential for any runner. This section explores the heartwarming aspects of the Audley Striders Running Club, where camaraderie and friendship are the focus. Explore how this close-knit community promotes inclusivity and provides a supportive environment, ensuring that every member feels valued and motivated. Put on your running shoes and join us as we delve into the incredible bond that the Audley Striders share, inspiring runners to achieve new heights together.

Building Camaraderie and Friendship

Building camaraderie and friendship is a central aspect of the Audley Striders Running Club, as we believe that running is more than just physical fitness. It is also about connecting with like-minded individuals who share a passion for the sport.

1. Group runs: Our regular group runs provide a supportive and welcoming environment where members can come together, share experiences, and build friendships while pursuing their fitness goals. These runs allow members to connect on a personal level and offer opportunities for conversations, laughter, and encouragement, thus fostering camaraderie and friendship.

2. Social events: We organize various social events and gatherings throughout the year, including post-run brunches, parties, and other recreational activities. These events foster a sense of camaraderie and friendship among members, providing opportunities to relax, have fun, and forge lasting connections outside of the running context.

3. Online community: We have an active online community where members can interact, share training tips, motivate each other, and organize informal runs or meetups. This platform helps build camaraderie and friendship between members, both on and off the running trails.

4. Supportive environment: At Audley Striders, we uphold a culture of inclusivity, support, and respect. We acknowledge that building genuine friendships requires creating an environment where everyone feels valued and accepted. We cultivate an atmosphere of encouragement and celebrate each other’s achievements, thereby fostering a strong bond and camaraderie among our members.

The Audley Striders Running Club recognizes the significance of building camaraderie and friendship within our community. Through group runs, social events, an online community, and a supportive environment, we actively foster connections and create a sense of belonging for all our members. Join us not only to improve your running abilities but also to develop lifelong friendships with fellow running enthusiasts.

Inclusive and Supportive Environment

The Audley Striders Running Club values the importance of creating an inclusive and supportive environment, where everyone feels welcome and appreciated. This is achieved through various aspects that contribute to the club’s ethos:

  • Welcoming atmosphere: The club wholeheartedly embraces runners from all backgrounds and abilities, fostering a sense of belonging for each individual.
  • Supportive community: Members actively encourage and uplift one another, providing motivation and assistance during training sessions and races.
  • Respect for diversity: The club wholeheartedly celebrates diversity and champions inclusivity, ensuring that every member feels recognized and respected.
  • Accessible activities: Audley Striders offers a diverse range of running activities that cater to different abilities, enabling participants to engage at their own pace and comfort level.
  • Positive feedback: Coaches and fellow runners provide constructive feedback and support, playing a crucial role in improving each member’s running skills and helping them achieve their personal goals.

Pro-tip: Creating an inclusive and supportive environment not only benefits individual runners but also strengthens the club as a whole. It boosts morale and fosters a strong sense of camaraderie, making the Audley Striders Running Club a truly welcoming and enjoyable place to be.

Audley Striders Running Club in the Local Area

Audley Striders Running Club in the Local Area has been making a significant impact through their contributions to the community and collaborations with other running clubs. With a strong emphasis on inclusivity and promoting a healthy lifestyle, this section explores how Audley Striders has engaged with and supported the community, as well as the partnerships they have formed with other passionate running clubs. Prepare to be inspired by their dedication and commitment to making a difference both on and off the track.

Audley Striders Running Club in the Local Area has been making a significant impact through their contributions to the community and collaborations with other running clubs. With a strong emphasis on inclusivity and promoting a healthy lifestyle, this section explores how Audley Striders has engaged with and supported the community, as well as the partnerships they have formed with other passionate running clubs. Prepare to be inspired by their dedication and commitment to making a difference both on and off the track.

Contributions to the Community

Audley Striders Running Club is dedicated to making a positive impact and giving back to the community. Here are some of the ways they contribute:

1. Organizing charity runs and events.

Audley Striders organises various charity runs and events throughout the year, raising funds and awareness for local community projects and organisations. These events promote health and fitness and support important causes.

2. Volunteer initiatives.

The club actively encourages its members to volunteer their time and skills for community initiatives such as cleaning up local parks, participating in neighbourhood improvement projects, and assisting with community events. This allows them to directly contribute to the well-being and development of the community.

3. Collaborations with local schools.

Audley Striders works closely with schools in the area to promote running among students and educate them about the importance of an active lifestyle. They organise running programs, clinics, and workshops, inspiring the younger generation to embrace fitness and engage in regular physical activity.

4. Supporting local businesses.

The club actively promotes and supports local businesses by organising group runs that start and end at local establishments. This boosts the local economy and fosters a sense of community and camaraderie.

5. Environmental initiatives.

Audley Striders is committed to environmental sustainability. They organise regular clean-up drives in the community, spreading awareness about the importance of keeping the environment clean and preserving natural spaces for future generations.

Through these various contributions to the community, Audley Striders Running Club demonstrates their dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of the people they serve.

Collaborations with Other Running Clubs

Collaborations with other running clubs are an essential aspect of the activities of Audley Striders Running Club. By partnering with other clubs, Audley Striders aims to foster a sense of community and provide its members with unique opportunities.

These collaborations allow Audley Striders members to participate in joint training sessions and races organized by other clubs, expanding their network and providing a platform for friendly competition. By collaborating with other clubs, Audley Striders can organize larger-scale events that bring together a diverse range of runners, creating a vibrant and inclusive running community.

Audley Striders actively seeks collaborations with clubs that share its values and passion for running. By working together, these clubs can pool resources, expertise, and enthusiasm to enhance the running experience for all involved. The spirit of collaboration also extends beyond the local area, with Audley Striders forging partnerships with clubs in different regions, promoting cross-cultural exchanges and fostering a sense of unity within the running community.

Through these collaborations with other running clubs, Audley Striders is able to provide its members with a rich and varied running experience, while also contributing to the overall growth and development of the running community as a whole.

Some Facts About Audley Striders Running Club:

  • ✅ Audley Striders Running Club organizes the Audley Festive 5K run. (Source: runabc.co.uk)
  • ✅ The Audley Striders Couch 2 5K program starts on Tuesday, August 29th, 2023. (Source: audleystriders.co.uk)
  • ✅ The Audley Striders Running Club encourages sharing the Couch 2 5K program’s link with interested individuals. (Source: audleystriders.co.uk)
  • ✅ Updates on away runs can be found on the Audley Striders Team’s Facebook page. (Source: audleystriders.co.uk)
  • ✅ The Audley Striders Running Club offers various clothing options for purchase, including ASRC 1/2 Zip Sweat and ASRC – Hoodie. (Source: jsbranding.co.uk)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When is the Audley Festive 5K run taking place?

The Audley Festive 5K run will take place on Sunday, December 17, 2023.

2. Where will the Audley Festive 5K run start?

The run will start at 11:00am at Audley Cricket Club in Audley, Staffordshire (ST7 8DL).

3. How can I join the Couch 2 5K program organized by Audley Striders RC?

The Couch 2 5K program will start on Tuesday, August 29th, 2023. You can join by visiting the event’s website and filling out the form.

4. Are there any local Parkrun events that the Audley Striders Team participates in?

Yes, on Saturdays, there is a Parkrun event where several team members usually participate.

5. Is there a walking group organized by Audley Striders Running Club?

Yes, there is a walking group that meets at 7pm on Thursdays at the Audley Community Centre.

6. What items are available for purchase in the Audley Striders Club Shop?

In the Club Shop, you can find a wide range of clothing options including T-shirts, Polo Shirts, Hoodies, and more.

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