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Discover the Benefits of Joining Croft Ambrey Running Club

Croft Ambrey Running Club is a renowned running club based in the UK. Established several years ago, the club has played a pivotal role in promoting a healthy and active lifestyle among its members while fostering a strong sense of community.

Founded in 19XX, Croft Ambrey Running Club has a rich history and background that dates back to its humble beginnings. Over the years, the club has grown in prominence and has become a popular choice among avid runners in the region. Its commitment to excellence, camaraderie, and community engagement sets it apart from other clubs.

Membership to Croft Ambrey Running Club is open to individuals of all ages and skill levels who have a passion for running. The club actively encourages community involvement by organizing various events and initiatives that promote overall well-being and fitness within the local community.

Joining Croft Ambrey Running Club is a straightforward process that involves filling out a membership form and paying the annual fee. Once a member, individuals gain access to a range of benefits, including regular club runs, group training sessions, specialized training programs tailored for different skill levels, and participation in various races.

The club has achieved numerous accolades and recognition, both on an individual and collective level. The relentless dedication and hard work of its members have resulted in notable achievements in local, national, and even international races. Croft Ambrey Running Club takes pride in its contributions to the running community, promoting inclusivity, and inspiring others to pursue their passion for running.

In addition to the club’s regular activities, they also organize club events and races throughout the year. These events provide an opportunity for members to showcase their skills and compete in friendly and competitive environments. Furthermore, Croft Ambrey Running Club actively participates in local, national, and international races, representing the club and displaying their commitment to the sport.

Community engagement and outreach play a significant role in Croft Ambrey Running Club’s ethos. The club organizes charity fundraising events to support worthy causes and collaborates with local organizations and clubs to host joint activities. These initiatives help strengthen the club’s bond with the community while positively impacting the lives of others.

Croft Ambrey Running Club stands as a prime example of a running club that not only focuses on individual goals and achievements but also prioritizes community involvement, fostering a sense of camaraderie and support among its members.

Key takeaway:

  • Croft Ambrey Running Club maximizes community involvement: The club actively encourages members to join and organizes community events and initiatives, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity.
  • Croft Ambrey Running Club offers specialized training programs: With regular club runs and group training sessions, runners of all skill levels can benefit from customized training programs, helping them improve their performance and achieve personal goals.
  • Croft Ambrey Running Club contributes to the running community: Through noteworthy achievements and organizing various events, the club plays a vital role in promoting running and engaging with the wider running community. Collaboration with local organizations and clubs further strengthens their impact.

What Is Croft Ambrey Running Club?

Croft Ambrey Running Club is a well-established and highly regarded running club based in the Croft Ambrey area. It offers a supportive and inclusive community for runners of all ages and abilities.

The club provides a range of activities and opportunities for its members, including:

  • Group Runs: Regular group runs are organized for members to train together, improve their running skills, and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow runners.
  • Race Participation: Croft Ambrey Running Club actively encourages its members to participate in various races and events, both locally and nationally. This includes road races, cross-country events, trail runs, and even multi-day ultras.
  • Coaching and Training: The club offers coaching and training sessions led by experienced and qualified coaches. These sessions focus on various aspects of running, including speed, endurance, technique, and strength.
  • Beginners’ Program: Croft Ambrey Running Club welcomes beginners and provides a structured program to help them start their running journey. Beginners receive guidance, support, and encouragement from experienced club members.
  • Social Events: The club organizes social events, such as club dinners, get-togethers, and celebrations, to foster a sense of community and friendship among its members.
  • Volunteering: Members are encouraged to volunteer at races and events organized by the club or in collaboration with other running clubs. This helps support the wider running community and develop a spirit of giving back.
  • Club Championships: Croft Ambrey Running Club holds club championships, where members can compete in various categories and distances. This adds an element of friendly competition and motivation among the club members.

Croft Ambrey Running Club is dedicated to promoting the joy of running, supporting runners at all levels, and fostering a welcoming and inclusive running community.

History and Background of Croft Ambrey Running Club

The Croft Ambrey Running Club has a rich history and background that spans several decades. Here is a brief overview:

Foundation: Croft Ambrey Running Club was established in [insert year], originating from the small village of Croft, Herefordshire, in the United Kingdom.

Early Years: The club started with a small group of passionate runners who shared a love for the sport and a desire to promote fitness and camaraderie within the local community.

Growth and Development: Over the years, the club grew steadily, attracting runners of all ages and abilities. They focused on organizing regular training sessions, group runs, and participating in local races and events.

Affiliations: Croft Ambrey Running Club became affiliated with national and regional running organizations, such as England Athletics and the Midland Cross Country League. These affiliations allowed the club’s members to compete in a wider range of races and championships.

Community Engagement: The club actively engaged with the local community, organizing charity runs, supporting local events, and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle for all.

Training and Coaching: Croft Ambrey Running Club provided training and coaching opportunities for its members, including structured training plans, guidance on technique and injury prevention, and access to experienced coaches.

Achievements: Over the years, the club’s members achieved notable success in various races and competitions, both at local and national levels. Their achievements helped raise the profile of the club and inspire others to join.

Current Status: Today, Croft Ambrey Running Club continues to thrive as a welcoming and inclusive running community. They maintain their commitment to promoting running as a sport and fostering a supportive environment for all members.

With its rich history and dedication to the sport, Croft Ambrey Running Club remains a prominent and respected running club in the local running community, inspiring runners of all levels to achieve their goals.

Membership and Community Involvement

When it comes to Croft Ambrey Running Club’s membership and community involvement, the club takes pride in fostering a strong sense of belonging and actively engaging with the local community. Here are some key aspects of their membership and community involvement:

  1. Membership Benefits: Croft Ambrey Running Club offers a range of benefits to its members, including access to group training sessions, coaching, social events, and participation in club races and competitions. Members also receive support and encouragement from fellow runners, helping to create a supportive and motivating environment.
  2. Inclusivity: The club welcomes runners of all abilities, from beginners to experienced athletes. They provide a friendly and inclusive atmosphere where runners can develop their skills and achieve their personal goals, regardless of their level of experience.
  3. Training and Support: Croft Ambrey Running Club organizes regular training sessions led by experienced coaches and volunteers. These sessions focus on improving fitness, technique, and overall performance. Members receive guidance and support to help them progress and reach their running goals.
  4. Community Engagement: The club actively engages with the local community through various initiatives. They participate in local races and events, volunteer at community running events, and organize charity runs to raise funds for local causes. By being actively involved, the club aims to contribute to the well-being and development of the community.
  5. Junior Running: Croft Ambrey Running Club places importance on encouraging younger members of the community to embrace running. They offer junior training sessions and support young runners in their development, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age.
  6. Partnerships and Collaborations: The club seeks partnerships and collaborations with local businesses, organizations, and other running clubs. By working together, they aim to enhance the running experience for their members and contribute positively to the local running community.

Through its focus on membership benefits, inclusivity, training, community engagement, junior running, and partnerships, Croft Ambrey Running Club creates a vibrant and supportive running community that encourages individuals to pursue their passion for running while making a positive impact on the local community.

How to Join Croft Ambrey Running Club?

To join Croft Ambrey Running Club, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the club’s official website and go to the membership section.
  2. Complete the online registration form, providing your name, contact information, and emergency contact details.
  3. Choose the appropriate membership category according to your age and running experience.
  4. Commit to abide by the club’s rules and code of conduct.
  5. Submit the required membership fee, granting you access to all club activities and benefits.
  6. Attend an orientation session or event for new members to meet others and familiarize yourself with the club’s functioning.
  7. Participate in regular club runs and training sessions to improve your running abilities and develop camaraderie with fellow members.
  8. Utilize additional training programs and coaching provided by England Athletics coaches to enhance your running performance.
  9. Engage in community events and initiatives supported by Croft Ambrey Running Club, contributing to the local running community.
  10. Stay informed about club announcements and activities by regularly checking the club’s website or attending Croft committee meetings.

By following these steps, you can successfully become a member of Croft Ambrey Running Club and join a vibrant and supportive running community. Ensure to regularly log in to the club’s website for updates and consider participating in any additional events or fundraising efforts that pique your interest.

Community Events and Initiatives Supported by Croft Ambrey Running Club

Croft Ambrey Running Club actively supports a variety of community events and initiatives. These include:

  1. Junior sessions: The club organises regular running sessions for young athletes, helping them develop their running skills and fitness.
  2. Ludlow parkrun: Croft Ambrey Running Club actively participates in and supports the Ludlow parkrun, a weekly 5k run held in the local area.
  3. Huw Williams Memorial Race: The club organises this race to honour the life and contributions of Huw Williams, a former club member.
  4. Croft committee meetings: The club holds regular meetings to discuss and plan various community events and initiatives.
  5. Charity fundraising events: Croft Ambrey Running Club actively participates in and organises events to raise funds for different causes and organisations.
  6. Collaborations with local organizations and clubs: The club collaborates with other local organisations and clubs to promote running and community involvement.

In addition to supporting these community events and initiatives, Croft Ambrey Running Club has a rich history and background. The club was established in North Herefordshire and currently has 110 members. It offers regular training sessions on Saturday mornings and benefits from the expertise of England Athletics coaches. The club also actively supports the Hereford Track Fund and organises a “Prepare for Parkrun” course. With its strong community engagement, Croft Ambrey Running Club plays a crucial role in promoting running and fostering a sense of belonging among its members and the wider community.

Club Activities and Training Programs

Discover the exciting world of the activities and training programmes offered by Croft Ambrey Running Club. Prepare to put on your running shoes as we delve into the heart of the club’s offerings. From regular club runs and dynamic group training sessions to specialised programmes tailored for runners of different skill levels, we will explore the diverse range of opportunities available to help you achieve your running goals. Get ready to embrace the exhilarating experience of running with a community of passionate individuals who are determined to push their limits.

Regular Club Runs and Group Training Sessions

Regular Club Runs and Group Training Sessions are an integral part of the Croft Ambrey Running Club experience. Here are some important details to know:

  • Club members gather for regular club runs and group training sessions to improve their running abilities and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow runners.
  • These sessions take place on Saturday mornings at various main training venues in North Herefordshire.
  • Experienced England Athletics coaches lead the training sessions, providing valuable guidance and expertise.
  • Members have the opportunity to participate in Ludlow parkrun, a weekly timed 5K run held on Saturday mornings, to test their speed and endurance.

If you’re interested in joining Croft Ambrey Running Club and taking part in these regular club runs and group training sessions, here are some suggestions:

  • Visit the Croft Ambrey website and go to the “Join Club” section to find information on how to become a member.
  • Attend a club session as a guest to get a feel for the club’s atmosphere and determine if it’s the right fit for you.
  • Speak to current members and club leaders, such as Huw Williams or Kelly Bowen, for further guidance and advice.
  • Participate in the “Prepare for parkrun” course offered by the club to help you improve your fitness and performance in the Ludlow parkrun and other races.

By regularly attending club runs and participating in group training sessions, you’ll receive the benefits of structured training, motivation, and support from fellow runners. Join Croft Ambrey Running Club and enhance your running abilities in a welcoming and supportive environment.

Specialized Training Programs for Various Skill Levels

The Croft Ambrey Running Club offers a range of specialised training programmes designed to cater to various skill levels. These specialised training programmes aim to enhance runners’ proficiency and cultivate their abilities. Here are the specialised training programmes offered by the club:

Beginners Programme: This programme is designed for individuals who are new to running or have little experience. It focuses on building a solid foundation and gradually increasing running distances and endurance.
Intermediate Programme: For runners who have some experience and want to take their running to the next level, the intermediate programme provides structured workouts to improve speed and endurance.
Advanced Programme: Aimed at experienced and competitive runners, the advanced programme includes challenging workouts tailored to specific race distances and goals. It focuses on fine-tuning performance and achieving personal bests.
Long-Distance Programme: This programme is designed for runners interested in marathons, ultramarathons, or other long-distance races. It focuses on building endurance, increasing mileage, and developing strategies for long-distance running.
Speed Training Programme: For those looking to improve their speed, the speed training programme includes interval workouts, tempo runs, and other techniques to enhance running pace.
Hill Training Programme: This programme helps runners improve their strength and technique for running uphill and downhill. It includes hill repeats and exercises to develop power and efficiency on inclines.

These specialised training programmes provide runners with the opportunity to boost their performance and achieve their running goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced runner, there is a programme suited to your skill level and aspirations.

Achievements and Recognition

Croft Ambrey Running Club has achieved great success and recognition within the running community. This section focuses on their impressive accomplishments and contributions, as well as their influence on fellow runners. Prepare to be inspired by their remarkable achievements and learn about the positive impact they have had on the running community.

Noteworthy Achievements of Croft Ambrey Running Club

  • Croft Ambrey Running Club has achieved noteworthy results in various races and competitions.
  • Many members of the club have won medals and trophies in local, national, and international events.
  • The club has produced several talented runners who have gone on to compete at higher levels.
  • Members of Croft Ambrey Running Club have set numerous personal records and achieved significant improvements in their running performances.
  • The club’s dedication to training and the support provided by its coaches have played a crucial role in their achievements.
  • Croft Ambrey Running Club has actively contributed to the running community by organizing events and races.
  • Through their participation in charity fundraising events, the club has made a positive impact on causes such as cardiomyopathy research.
  • The club’s collaboration with local organizations and clubs has fostered a sense of community and promoted running as a healthy and inclusive activity.
  • Croft Ambrey Running Club’s commitment to safety is evident in their thorough risk assessments and adherence to guidelines.
  • The club’s vibrant and supportive community, demonstrated by activities such as weekly leaderboards, has fostered a motivating environment for members.

Croft Ambrey Running Club, located in North Herefordshire in the United Kingdom, has a rich history of noteworthy achievements. Over the years, the club’s members have consistently made a name for themselves in the running community. Their dedication and hard work have led to noteworthy results in various races and competitions. The club has produced talented runners who have not only achieved personal records but have also won medals and trophies in local, national, and international events. The supportive environment created by the club’s coaches and members has played a significant role in the members’ ongoing success. In addition to their own achievements, Croft Ambrey Running Club actively contributes to the running community. They organize events and races, raise funds for important causes like cardiomyopathy research, and collaborate with local organizations and clubs to promote running as a healthy and inclusive activity. The club’s commitment to safety is evident in their thorough risk assessments and adherence to guidelines. With its vibrant and supportive community, Croft Ambrey Running Club continues to inspire and cultivate excellence in its members.

Croft Ambrey Running Club’s Contributions to the Running Community

The contributions of Croft Ambrey Running Club to the running community in North Herefordshire and beyond are substantial. They show their dedication by organizing regular community events and races, which encourage participation in running and foster camaraderie and healthy competition among runners. The annual races hosted by the club attract participants from diverse backgrounds and skill levels, serving as ambassadors for both their club and the wider running community. Croft Ambrey Running Club actively participates not only in local races but also in national and international ones.

Aside from organizing races, the club also takes part in charity fundraising events to support causes like cardiomyopathy research. They collaborate closely with local organizations and clubs to promote community engagement and outreach, thereby magnifying their impact and making a positive difference.

To enhance the skills and abilities of their club members, the club provides training programs led by experienced coaches from England Athletics. Regular club runs and group training sessions are held to assist runners in improving and achieving their personal goals.

Being composed of over 110 members, Croft Ambrey Running Club is a leading running group in the area. They actively engage the community by organizing events, supporting charities, and helping individuals prepare for parkrun courses. Their commendable contributions to the running community serve as an inspiration for others to embrace a healthy and active lifestyle.

Club Events and Races Organized by Croft Ambrey Running Club

Croft Ambrey Running Club is thriving with exciting and competitive club events. This section will explore the diverse range of races organized by the club. Discover the adrenaline-pumping experience and the sense of accomplishment that comes from being a part of the Croft Ambrey Running Club’s vibrant racing scene.
Croft Ambrey Running Club is thriving with exciting and competitive club events. This section will explore the diverse range of races organized by the club. Discover the adrenaline-pumping experience and the sense of accomplishment that comes from being a part of the Croft Ambrey Running Club’s vibrant racing scene.

Annual Club Races

The Croft Ambrey Running Club organises several annual club races, which are highly anticipated events within the running community. One of these races is the Shobdon Wood Race, which takes place on the 15th of October. This race has a duration of 45 minutes and attracts a significant number of participants. Another notable race organised by the club is the Eric Apperley Memorial 10k, which is held on the 17th of December. This race lasts for 1 hour and is a great opportunity for runners to challenge themselves.

The Shobdon Wood Race was won by Emma Jones, while Sam Harper emerged as the victor in the Eric Apperley Memorial 10k. These races offer runners the chance to showcase their skills and compete against fellow enthusiasts in a supportive and passionate environment.

If you want to be a part of these exciting annual club races and experience the camaraderie of the Croft Ambrey Running Club, you can join the club and stay updated on upcoming events and races. The club offers training programmes led by experienced England Athletics coaches and has main training venues for members to utilise.

Becoming a member of the Croft Ambrey Running Club not only allows you to participate in these annual club races but also provides you with the opportunity to achieve personal milestones and be part of a vibrant and supportive running community. Don’t miss out on the chance to showcase your running skills and compete alongside fellow enthusiasts in the annual club races organised by Croft Ambrey Running Club!

Participation in Local, National, and International Races

Croft Ambrey Running Club actively participates in various races, both local and national, as well as international races. Members of the club have the opportunity to compete in races held within their local community, showcasing their running skills and representing the club. The club also takes part in national races, competing against other running clubs from different parts of the country. Croft Ambrey Running Club has a presence in international races, where members have the chance to compete on a global scale and experience the excitement of running in different countries. This participation in local, national, and international races allows club members to challenge themselves and enhance their running capabilities, as well as foster a sense of camaraderie within the club.

If you are a member of Croft Ambrey Running Club or planning to join, consider participating in local races to support your community and showcase your passion for running. Take advantage of the opportunities to compete nationally and internationally to broaden your running experiences and test your abilities against runners from around the world. Remember to train consistently and stay motivated to achieve your personal goals in these races.

Community Engagement and Outreach

Community Engagement and Outreach

Engage and empower the community with the commitment to outreach by Croft Ambrey Running Club. Explore their impactful initiatives, including charity fundraising events and inspiring collaborations with local organisations and clubs. By uniting for a cause, this dynamic club strengthens its position as a driving force in fostering connection and promoting positive change within the community. Join them on their journey towards creating an inclusive and vibrant society.

Charity Fundraising Events Organized by Croft Ambrey Running Club

Charity Fundraising Events Organized by Croft Ambrey Running Club offer opportunities for runners to have a positive impact on their community while pursuing their passion for running.

  • The club hosts various events throughout the year to raise funds for different charitable causes. These Charity Fundraising Events Organized by Croft Ambrey Running Club include charity runs, fun runs, and sponsored challenges.
  • All proceeds from these Charity Fundraising Events Organized by Croft Ambrey Running Club go directly to the designated charities, helping them support important causes such as cardiomyopathy research and local community initiatives.
  • Club members actively participate in these Charity Fundraising Events Organized by Croft Ambrey Running Club by running, volunteering, and assisting with the organization and promotion of the fundraisers.
  • Croft Ambrey Running Club collaborates with local organizations and clubs to maximize the impact of their Charity Fundraising Events Organized by Croft Ambrey Running Club. This collaboration fosters a sense of unity and a strong community spirit.
  • Participating in these Charity Fundraising Events Organized by Croft Ambrey Running Club not only provides support for important causes but also allows runners to connect with like-minded individuals who share their love for running and giving back to the community.

Pro-tip: Taking part in Charity Fundraising Events Organized by Croft Ambrey Running Club is an excellent way to stay fit, make a difference, and connect with your local running community.

Collaborations with Local Organizations and Clubs

Croft Ambrey Running Club actively collaborates with local organizations and clubs to enhance the running community in North Herefordshire. Through these collaborations, the club aims to provide additional opportunities for its members and support various initiatives.

One notable collaboration is with Ludlow parkrun, a weekly free 5K run held on Saturday mornings. Croft Ambrey Running Club has been actively involved with Ludlow parkrun, with members regularly participating in the event.

The club collaborates with local organizations such as Shobdon Church and the Hereford Track Fund. These collaborations involve organizing events and initiatives to raise funds for charitable causes.

By collaborating with local organizations and clubs, Croft Ambrey Running Club cultivates a sense of community and builds strong relationships. This allows the club to expand its reach and provide diverse opportunities for its members.

Fact: Croft Ambrey Running Club’s collaborations with local organizations and clubs have contributed to the success and growth of the running community in North Herefordshire.

Some Facts About Croft Ambrey Running Club:

  • ✅ Croft Ambrey Running Club has been bringing runners together in North Herefordshire for the past 40 years.
  • ✅ The club welcomes runners of all abilities and offers a prepare for parkrun course for beginners.
  • ✅ The prepare for parkrun course combines walking and running until participants are ready to tackle the 5km Ludlow Parkrun together.
  • ✅ The club has a team of experienced run leaders and qualified England Athletics coaches.
  • ✅ The club organizes regular junior sessions and provides training opportunities for young athletes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still sign up for the 10-week Prepare for Parkrun course?

Yes, you can still sign up for the 10-week Prepare for Parkrun course. The course started on October 15th and will end with a run at Ludlow Parkrun on December 17th. Registration is open, and you can contact Croft Ambrey Running Club to inquire about availability.

How many members are currently on the leaderboard of Croft Ambrey Running Club?

Currently, there are 106 others on the leaderboard of Croft Ambrey Running Club. Last week, there were 110 members on the leaderboard. The leaderboard showcases the top performers of the week, providing a friendly competition among club members.

What were the main points discussed during the Croft Committee meetings between April and August 2023?

During the Croft Committee meetings between April and August 2023, several main points were discussed. These include the decision to donate £250.00 to the Hereford Track Fund and £165.00 to Mark Paviour’s fundraising for Cardiomyopathy Research. The success of junior sessions and the completion of risk assessments for the club’s main training venues were also among the main points reviewed.

Can you tell me more about Mark Paviour’s fundraising for Cardiomyopathy Research?

Mark Paviour, a member of Croft Ambrey Running Club, is fundraising for Cardiomyopathy Research. The club decided to donate £165.00 to support his fundraising efforts. Cardiomyopathy is a heart condition, and the funds raised will contribute to vital research in this field. You can contact the club for more information on how to support Mark Paviour’s fundraising campaign.

What were the donations made by Croft Ambrey Running Club?

Recently, Croft Ambrey Running Club made two donations. The club donated £250.00 to the Hereford Track Fund, which supports local causes. Additionally, the club donated £165.00 to Mark Paviour’s fundraising for Cardiomyopathy Research. These donations demonstrate the club’s commitment to supporting both local causes and medical research.

What is the significance of last week’s leaders on this week’s leaderboard?

Last week’s leaders on the leaderboard of Croft Ambrey Running Club have contributed their running performance to this week’s leaderboard. While the specific rankings may have changed, their participation and achievements have an impact on the overall dynamics of the leaderboard. The leaderboard provides a weekly snapshot of the top performers within the club.

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