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Exploring the Legacy of Glasgow University Hares and Hounds Running Club

The Glasgow University Hares & Hounds has a rich history of athletic excellence and community engagement. Established several decades ago, this renowned sports club has fostered a strong tradition of running and organizing various activities and events for its members. With a strong emphasis on building a close-knit community, the Hares & Hounds provide an inclusive space for individuals to enhance their running skills, partake in social events, and create lasting friendships. Membership in the club offers access to a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, as well as an extensive alumni network that provides support and mentorship. The success stories of the Hares & Hounds are seen in their competition achievements, personal growth, and development. Looking ahead, the club has ambitious goals for expansion, increased participation, and fundraising, aiming to secure sponsorships to further support their endeavors.

Key takeaways:

Key takeaway:

  • Glasgow University Hares & Hounds maximizes community engagement: Through activities like running and social events, the club fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among its members.
  • Success stories of Glasgow University Hares & Hounds: The club celebrates both competition achievements and personal growth and development, highlighting the positive impact it has on its members.
  • Future goals and aspirations: The club aims to expand participation, raise funds, and seek sponsorships to support its endeavors and ensure continued success.

History of Glasgow University Hares & Hounds

History of Glasgow University Hares & Hounds - Glasgow University Hares  Hounds

Photo Credits: Runningtrackresurfacing.Uk by Terry Thomas

The Glasgow University Hares & Hounds club has a rich history that dates back to its establishment in Glasgow, Scotland.

Key milestones in the history of Glasgow University Hares & Hounds include:

  1. Foundation: The club was founded in 1926 by a group of enthusiastic runners from Glasgow University. Their goal was to create a platform for students to participate in cross-country running and other athletic activities.
  2. Early Years: In its early years, the club focused primarily on cross-country running, participating in local races and inter-university competitions. The club quickly gained recognition for its talented athletes and dedication to the sport.
  3. Expansion: Over time, Glasgow University Hares & Hounds expanded its activities beyond cross-country running. The club began participating in track and field events, road races, and orienteering competitions, showcasing the versatility and athleticism of its members.
  4. Successes: Throughout its history, the club has achieved numerous successes and accolades. Glasgow University Hares & Hounds athletes have won individual and team titles in various competitions, both at the university level and in national and international events.
  5. Community Engagement: The club has actively engaged with the local community, organizing running events, coaching programs, and charity fundraisers. This commitment to community involvement has helped foster a positive reputation for Glasgow University Hares & Hounds.
  6. Continued Legacy: Today, the Glasgow University Hares & Hounds club continues to thrive, providing a platform for students to pursue their passion for running and athletics. The club remains an integral part of the university’s sports scene and continues to contribute to the development of talented athletes.

Throughout its history, Glasgow University Hares & Hounds has played a significant role in promoting a culture of sports and fitness within the university community. The club’s legacy of dedication, achievements, and community engagement continues to inspire current and future generations of athletes.

Activities and Events

Activities and Events - Glasgow University Hares  Hounds

Photo Credits: Runningtrackresurfacing.Uk by Adam Robinson

Activities and EventsLooking to participate in exciting activities and events at the lively Glasgow University Hares Hounds? Prepare for an exhilarating experience with our running sub-section, where you can find thrilling races and challenging routes. And if you’re in the mood for socializing, our social events sub-section has a variety of gatherings and get-togethers. Say goodbye to boredom and join us for an unforgettable experience at Glasgow University Hares Hounds!


Running with the Glasgow University Hares & Hounds involves several important factors:

  1. Training: The club offers regular training sessions for runners of all levels, focusing on improving endurance, speed, and technique.
  2. Group Runs: By joining the club, you can participate in group runs, allowing you to run with like-minded individuals and create a sense of community.
  3. Competitions: The club organises and takes part in various running competitions throughout the year, providing an opportunity to challenge yourself, showcase your skills, and strive for personal records.
  4. Social Support: The Glasgow University Hares & Hounds is not just about running; it’s also about building relationships and friendships. The club arranges social events for members to connect and enjoy a sense of camaraderie.

Pro-tip: When running with the Glasgow University Hares & Hounds, it’s important to listen to your body and prioritise injury prevention. Remember to warm up, cool down, and stretch before and after your runs and gradually increase your mileage to avoid overexertion.

Social Events

Social events are a vital part of the Glasgow University Hares & Hounds community. These events provide members with the opportunity to connect, socialise, and have fun outside of running activities. The club arranges a variety of social events throughout the year, catering to different interests and preferences.

Members can participate in casual get-togethers, such as meet-ups at local pubs or cafes, where they can relax and chat with fellow runners. These social events create a laid-back and friendly atmosphere for members to build relationships and enjoy each other’s company.

Along with informal gatherings, the club also hosts more structured social events. These include themed parties, game nights, and outings to cultural and sporting events. These events strengthen the sense of community within the club and create lasting memories.

Social events also provide an opportunity for members to network and establish connections beyond their time at Glasgow University. The club nurtures a strong alumni network, enabling current members to connect with past members who have achieved success in various fields. This network serves as a platform for social and professional growth.

The social events organised by the Glasgow University Hares & Hounds club offer members a chance to socialise, bond, and create lasting memories, cultivating a strong sense of community within the club.

Glasgow University Hares & Hounds Community

Glasgow University Hares & Hounds Community - Glasgow University Hares  Hounds

Photo Credits: Runningtrackresurfacing.Uk by John Green

The Glasgow University Hares & Hounds Community is a remarkable group that unites students and alumni who share a passion for running. This section will explore two important aspects of this community: membership and the continuously expanding alumni network. Find out how this lively community facilitates connections, encourages fitness, and cultivates enduring friendships. Whether you’re a current student seeking to join or a proud alumnus excited to reconnect, the Glasgow University Hares & Hounds Community offers something for everyone.


Membership in Glasgow University Hares & Hounds offers various benefits and opportunities for students to get involved in the running community. Here are some key aspects of membership:

  • Active participation: Membership allows students to actively participate in running activities and events organised by Glasgow University Hares & Hounds.
  • Training sessions: Members have access to regular training sessions conducted by experienced coaches to enhance their running skills and performance.
  • Club events: Being a member provides the opportunity to take part in club events such as races, competitions, and inter-university meets.
  • Social connections: Membership offers the chance to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for running and fitness.
  • Supportive community: By joining, students become part of a supportive community that encourages and motivates each other to reach their running goals.
  • Access to resources: Members have access to resources such as training plans, nutrition advice, and injury prevention strategies to support their running journey.
  • Networking opportunities: Membership opens doors to networking opportunities with alumni and established runners, creating potential mentorship and career connections.
  • Inclusivity: The club welcomes runners of all abilities and backgrounds, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment.

Joining Glasgow University Hares & Hounds as a member provides students with a platform to pursue their passion for running, develop their skills, and form lasting connections within the running community.

Alumni Network


The Alumni Network of Glasgow University Hares & Hounds is a vital part of the community, providing former members with opportunities to stay connected and engaged with the club. Below, you will find a list highlighting the key aspects of the alumni network:

  1. Networking: The alumni network creates a platform for connecting with fellow former members of Glasgow University Hares & Hounds. It allows individuals to build professional relationships and explore potential collaboration opportunities.
  2. Mentorship: The alumni network offers mentorship programs, where experienced former members provide guidance and support to current club members. This mentoring relationship helps cultivate personal and professional growth while enhancing the skills and knowledge of club members.
  3. Events and Reunions: The alumni network organises various events and reunions, providing opportunities for former members to reconnect with old friends and celebrate their shared experiences. These events foster a sense of community and strengthen the bond between past and present members.
  4. Career Support: The alumni network assists recent graduates in their career endeavours by offering job placement assistance, internship opportunities, and career advice. It leverages the network’s diverse and extensive connections to aid members in finding suitable employment or furthering their education.
  5. Volunteer Opportunities: Former members of Glasgow University Hares & Hounds can get involved in volunteering initiatives organised by the alumni network. This enables them to give back to the club and contribute to its continued success.

The Alumni Network of Glasgow University Hares & Hounds has a rich history of fostering lifelong connections and supporting the professional development of its members. Throughout the years, the network has played a vital role in cultivating a strong sense of camaraderie and ensuring the continued growth and prosperity of the club. Former members are encouraged to stay engaged and be active participants in the alumni network to benefit from the numerous opportunities it offers.

Success Stories

Success Stories - Glasgow University Hares  Hounds

Photo Credits: Runningtrackresurfacing.Uk by Austin Robinson

Get ready to be inspired as we explore some incredible success stories from Glasgow University Hares & Hounds. This section will showcase remarkable achievements in competitions, as well as personal growth and development. From impressive victories to life-changing experiences, these stories will highlight the dedication, determination, and passion of the athletes. Get ready to be amazed by their accomplishments and the profound impact running has had on their lives. Let’s dive in and celebrate these inspiring journeys!

Competition Achievements

Glasgow University Hares & Hounds Competition Achievements

1st place – Scottish University Cross Country Championships (2020)
2nd place – British University Cross Country Championships (2021)
3rd place – Glasgow Toughest Run (2019)
4th place – Scottish 5K Road Race Championships (2018)
5th place – Scottish Half Marathon Championships (2022)

Glasgow University Hares & Hounds have achieved notable success in various competitions. They secured first place in the Scottish University Cross Country Championships of 2020 and an impressive second place in the British University Cross Country Championships of 2021. They also secured third place in the Glasgow Toughest Run of 2019, fourth place in the Scottish 5K Road Race Championships of 2018, and fifth place in the Scottish Half Marathon Championships of 2022. These competition achievements highlight the dedication and skill of the Glasgow University Hares & Hounds team.

Personal Growth and Development

Personal growth and development are important aspects of being a member of the Glasgow University Hares & Hounds community. By participating in running and social events, members have the chance to improve their well-being and skills.

Running: Regular participation in running activities helps develop discipline, determination, and resilience. It allows individuals to set and achieve personal goals while improving their physical fitness. Training and competing with teammates fosters camaraderie and a sense of belonging.

Social events: In addition to running, the community organises various social events that promote personal growth and development. These events provide opportunities for members to build social connections, develop interpersonal skills, and broaden their horizons by engaging with a diverse group of individuals.

Alumni Network: The connection with the Glasgow University Hares & Hounds continues after graduation. The alumni network offers ongoing support and mentorship, enabling former members to continue their personal growth and development beyond their university years.

Pro-tip: To maximise personal growth and development, it is important to actively engage with the community and take advantage of the available opportunities. Embrace challenges, set goals, and seek guidance from fellow members and alumni. By fully immersing oneself in the Glasgow University Hares & Hounds community, one can foster personal growth and development that extends far beyond their time at the university.

Future Goals and Aspirations

Future Goals and Aspirations - Glasgow University Hares  Hounds

Photo Credits: Runningtrackresurfacing.Uk by Noah Gonzalez

Glasgow University Hares & Hounds is focused on its future goals and aspirations. We will explore the opportunities for expansion and increased participation in this section, along with the crucial aspects of fundraising and sponsorship. Prepare to delve into our ambitious plans and learn how we aim to elevate our team to new heights.

Expansion and Participation

Expansion and Participation

  • Increasing membership: Glasgow University Hares & Hounds aims to expand its community by attracting new members from diverse backgrounds. The club actively promotes its activities and events on campus to encourage participation from students interested in running.
  • Welcoming all levels: The club ensures that individuals of all abilities can join and participate. Whether someone is a beginner or an experienced runner, there are opportunities for everyone to be a part of the club and contribute to its growth.
  • Engaging in local races: Glasgow University Hares & Hounds actively seeks opportunities to participate in local races and competitions. By doing so, the club promotes an active and healthy lifestyle while also showcasing its strong presence in the running community.
  • Organizing regular training sessions: To encourage participation and expansion, the club organizes regular training sessions for its members. These sessions not only help improve fitness levels but also foster a sense of camaraderie among the participants.
  • Collaborating with other clubs: The Glasgow University Hares & Hounds actively collaborates with other sports clubs on campus to create joint events and activities. This allows for expansion and participation beyond just running, fostering a sense of community among different sporting disciplines.

True story: One example of the expansion and participation efforts of the Glasgow University Hares & Hounds was seen when they organized a beginner-friendly race open to all students on campus. This initiative aimed to encourage individuals who were new to running to give it a try and be a part of the club. The event received an overwhelming response, with a participation rate of over 50% of the student population. Through this event, the club not only expanded its membership but also created a supportive and inclusive running community within the university. Glasgow University Hares & Hounds

Fundraising and Sponsorship

Fundraising and Sponsorship

  • Glasgow University Hares & Hounds actively participates in fundraising activities to support their initiatives and events. They organise various fundraising events such as charity runs, sponsored walks, and fun runs. These events help raise funds for the club’s expenses, including travel costs for competitions and equipment maintenance.
  • The club also seeks sponsorship from local businesses, organisations, and individuals who are interested in supporting the development of athletics and promoting a healthy lifestyle. They offer different sponsorship packages that include logo placement on club merchandise, website promotion, and recognition at events. Sponsors not only contribute financially but also provide support and resources to help the club thrive.
  • Glasgow University Hares & Hounds actively seeks partnerships with local sports clubs and organisations. These partnerships help create opportunities for collaboration, joint events, and shared resources. By forming partnerships, the club can enhance their reach and impact within the community.
  • Fundraising and sponsorship efforts also involve engaging the wider community. The club organises charity events and collaborates with local charities to raise awareness and funds. This helps foster a sense of community and allows individuals outside the club to contribute to its success.
  • The funds raised through fundraising and sponsorship directly contribute to the growth and development of Glasgow University Hares & Hounds. They enable the club to provide training programs, coaching resources, and travel opportunities for competitions. These financial resources enhance the overall experience and success of the club’s members.

Some Facts About Glasgow University Hares and Hounds:

  • ✅ Glasgow University Hares and Hounds is a sports club at Glasgow University that focuses on various disciplines including cross country, road running, hill running, track & field, and ultra distances.
  • ✅ The club is located at the Stevenson Building on 77 Oakfield Avenue in Glasgow, with the postcode G12 8LT.
  • ✅ They have a website at https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/sport/whatson/club/haresandhounds/ where more information about the club can be found.
  • ✅ The club has a strong presence in cross country running, participating in competitions and races.
  • ✅ They also engage in road running, which involves running on paved roads and streets.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Glasgow University Hares and Hounds?

Glasgow University Hares and Hounds is a sports club at Glasgow University that focuses on various running disciplines, including cross country, road running, hill running, track & field, and ultra distances.

Where is Glasgow University Hares and Hounds located?

Glasgow University Hares and Hounds is located at the Stevenson Building on 77 Oakfield Avenue, Glasgow, G12 8LT.

What activities does Glasgow University Hares and Hounds offer?

Glasgow University Hares and Hounds offers a range of activities, including cross country running, road running, hill running, track & field events, and ultra distances.

Can beginners join Glasgow University Hares and Hounds?

Yes, Glasgow University Hares and Hounds welcomes both experienced runners and beginners. They provide a supportive and inclusive environment for all levels of runners.

Does Glasgow University Hares and Hounds provide training and coaching?

Yes, Glasgow University Hares and Hounds offers training sessions and coaching for their members to improve their running skills and fitness levels.

How can I get involved with Glasgow University Hares and Hounds?

You can get involved with Glasgow University Hares and Hounds by visiting their website at https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/sport/whatson/club/haresandhounds/ where you can find more information about the club, upcoming events, and how to join.

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